A Seven-week Adventure

Bruce Cass Friends Pilgrim Office, group photo and fountain.

A man discovers that the Camino is what you make it; you can’t change the conditions, but you can adjust your attitude to fit the journey.

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Book Review: Pilgrim Stories

Pilgrim Stories book review, with book cover.

A review of anthropologist Nancy Louise Frey’s observational study “Pilgrim Stories: On and Off the Road to Santiago, Journeys Along an Ancient Way in Modern Spain.” Review by Joseph A. Curro, Jr.

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Ebb & Flow

CW Johnson Ebb & Flow poem

A poem by CW Johnson that honestly acknowledges the rhythmic ebb and flow a pilgrim experiences between moments of gratitude and moments of irritation.

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A Certain Cadence

Saint James Statue, Santiago de Compostela, gold statuary.

A reflection about the daily patterns that create a lived experience that is difficult for the pilgrim to recount and recreate through memories and photos once back home.

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A Journey to Remember

Camino Primitivo flowing stream and trees.

The act of travel is a deliberate choice. The Camino stream provides ample water for each pilgrim to fill their bucket to quench their thirst and remember their journey.

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