Book Review: The Camigas Scarf

the camigas scarf review summer 2024 la concha.

Amy Horton reviews Alder Allensworth’s “The Camigas Scarf: Mother” the first novel in a three-part series inspired by an actual scarf that has created a special connection among women across many Caminos.

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Losing Things

losing things poem suzanne doerge summer 2024 la concha.

A poem by Suzanne Doerge that considers the things we lose along the way and the finding of ourselves in the losing.

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poem disburdening Shoshana D Kerewsky summer 2024 la concha.

In this poem by Shoshana D. Kerewsky, a pilgrim experiences a washing away of burdens when caught in a downpour of rain in Santiago de Compostela.

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Strength to Carry It

Strength to Carry It summer 2024 la concha.

A pilgrim returns to the Camino to heal after an extended period of chaos, loss, and overwhelming grief. A communal activity one night at an albergue unexpectedly changes how she sees herself, and is all the stronger for it.

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Shedding Weight to Walk Anew

Shedding Weight to Walk Anew summer 2024 la concha.

His Camino cut short by an ankle sprain on Day 1, an overweight Type 2 diabetic embarks on a new diet and exercise journey to shed pounds and get healthy to walk another Camino.

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Lightening Your Final Load

Three little pitchers summer 2024 la concha

As she works through her estate planning, a Camino enthusiast considers what to do with all the Camino treasures she has collected over the years.

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Letting Go of “What If” Fears

Gold Rings David Lawra summer 2024 la concha.

A husband and wife plan to walk the Camino together. Their first Camino is canceled when she gets sick. Once better, they finally set off on their Camino. Her Camino abruptly ends after a fall and injury, but she encourages him to carry on. Along the way, he learns to let go of his “what if” fears. Ultreia!

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Book Review: Happiness is That Way

happiness is that way review summer 2024 la concha.

Joe Curro reviews a dueling memoir by an Australian husband and wife who tackle the Via de la Plata as their first Camino. Curro calls “Happiness is That Way” by Cici Edwards-Jensen and Mike Jensen “a light, easy read that offers a highly personal glimpse into a less-traveled Camino route.”

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Let’s Pick This Up Later

Let's Pick This Up Later summer 2024 la concha.

Exhausted from a broken marriage and a life spent tending family and students, a woman sets out on pilgrimage with a resolution to no longer carry the deadweight of others. After sufficient respite, she rediscovers a joy for caregiving and for receiving care herself.

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