John Brierley’s Passing & Obituary

John Brierley

It is with much sadness I inform you that our fellow peregrino John Brierley has died. Countless numbers of us have relied on John’s guidebooks as we undertook our caminos.

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COVID-19: What You Should Know

NIAID-RML image of coronavirus

American Pilgrims is echoing official advice from numerous sources that you do not travel internationally until you are fully vaccinated and have received a booster shot. We will continue to pass along news from the official and authoritative sources listed below.

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American Pilgrims on the “Camino Cafe” Podcast

Recently American Pilgrims’ members and volunteers Steve and Carol Lytch were guests on Leigh Brennan’s Camino Cafe podcast. Steve is the current board chairman of American Pilgrims. Steve and Carol were volunteers in 2022 at the Ribadiso albergue on the Camino Francés. Follow this link to learn more about our Ribadiso Welcome Service. Leigh filmed…

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Navarra: Una Experiencia en el Camino

American Pilgrims on the Camino is offering our members a unique Spanish travel opportunity May 18-26, 2023, in Navarra, Spain.

This first-ever cultural journey, in coordination with Los Amigos del Camino de Santiago de Estella, will traverse the geographically diverse region of the medieval Basque Kingdom of Navarra and give participants the opportunity to intimately get to know the culture, gastronomy and wine, and varied terrain along the Camino Francés as well as portions of the Aragones and the Baztanes.

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Hospitalero Training Offers Second Session April 11-13, 2023

Many who attend the Annual Gathering of Pilgrims are interested in our hospitalero training. In the past, we have not been able to accommodate everyone who wished to attend. This year, if there’s enough interest, we have the capacity to offer two hospitalero trainings April 11-13, 2023, just prior to the Gathering in Zephyr Cove, NV.

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