The People Provide

The People Provide
by Carol Guttery | Redwood City, CA

Time flows differently for hospitaleros than it does for pilgrims. The rhythms for a pilgrim involve a landscape that changes daily, with a forward movement toward their next destination that includes new sights, flavors, and friends. Ever seeking. Hospitaleros stay still, rooted in place with a daily routine that remains fairly constant. Ever serving.
When I volunteered at the Ribadiso welcome service in Galicia, the daily routine had a gap between the morning chores and the afternoon pilgrim arrivals. That gap gave me a lot of time to think about how different it is to be a pilgrim who seeks than an hospitalero who serves. It felt peculiar not to be moving on every day. I would sometimes look wistfully down the road, wishing I could follow along. But then I’d shake it off and look forward to the afternoon arrival of a new batch of weary pilgrims, appreciating that I was able to help make them comfortable for the night.
There is a popular saying among pilgrims: “the Camino Provides.” But as I contemplated this notion while in Ribadiso, I came to feel strongly that it isn’t the Camino that provides, it’s the people who do. I considered the cumulative effect of the many hospitaleros, generous parishes and municipalities, kind taxi drivers, pharmacists and cafe owners, and thoughtful pilgrims.
“The Camino Provides,” is well-meant. I even have a patch on my backpack with the saying. But as a catchphrase, it’s just esoteric enough to throw a misty veil over the human kindness and hard work that’s the real magic of the Camino.
And while as a pilgrim, I’ve had a wealth of gratitude for all of the kindnesses directed my way, as a volunteer, I’ve come to have an even greater appreciation for the ethic of service that is the engine of the Camino.
I came home from my experience as an hospitalero thinking differently about how the Camino provides. It’s made me more aware of the hard work of my local chapter leaders, the volunteer moderators of the American Pilgrims Facebook group, and others who cultivate the culture of the Camino.
I’m hoping to go back to the Camino Francés this spring for another pilgrimage. I usually set an intention for myself with these long treks. For this next one, I intend to remind myself to be a daily cog in the service engine of the Camino, however that manifests itself.