Letter from the Chair – Summer 2024

Letter from the Chair – Summer 2024
by Joe Curro, Board Chair, American Pilgrims on the Camino

Dear Fellow Pilgrims,
This year has seen record growth in pilgrim numbers on the Camino. As I write this, the Pilgrim’s Office in Santiago has seen a 19% year-over-year increase in the number of pilgrims receiving Compostelas. Also rising is the percentage of pilgrims from the United States: 8.35% as of June 1.
As interest in the Camino has grown, there has been increased pressure on popular routes like the Camino Francés and on our own operations, as we strive to meet demand for credentials and grant support.
American Pilgrims on the Camino prides itself on being an all-volunteer organization. We are humbled by the contributions of time, talent, and treasure that are selflessly offered by the members of our pilgrim community. We contract some services in areas including bookkeeping, legal compliance, and general administrative support, which we seek to use efficiently.
We are endeavoring to meet this moment in a number of ways, including an expanded grants program. In March, the board approved a major projects grant of $60,000 for the renovation of part of a convent in Madrid as an albergue and welcome center for pilgrims flying into or out of that city. The next month we approved awards in our 2024 grants program, ultimately distributing $114,800 in grants that support 22 projects on 11 different Camino routes. We are very grateful to the 19 volunteers who reviewed 32 proposals this year. Read more about the 2024 grants here.
In addition to traditional awards for albergue and trail repairs and improvements, we were proud to fund two requests that will serve pilgrims with disabilities on all Camino routes. One grant will help with the acquisition of two all-terrain, electric wheelchairs for use by those with mobility challenges. The second helps with the acquisition of a minivan for the transportation of wheelchairs and provision of logistical support; one of the grants reviewers said this was “probably the most compelling proposal I have reviewed since I began reviewing proposals seven years ago.”
While walking the Via de la Plata this spring, I saw firsthand how grateful our Spanish friends were for the American Pilgrims partnership and friendship, not only through our financial support, but also through our members’ service as hospitaleros, greeters at Ribadiso, and volunteers at the Pilgrim’s Reception Office and elsewhere.
As you step out on the trail or serve other pilgrims, you act as ambassadors for all the good work we are doing together. Thank you.
¡Buen Camino!

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