La Rioja Cultural Experience Builds Connections, Deepens Understanding

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La Rioja Cultural Experience Builds Connections, Deepens Understanding

by Sara Steig Gradwohl | Mooresville, IN

La Rioja Marques de Riscal vineyard.
From the Bodegas Marqués de Riscal Vineyards in Elciego, Spain, a view of the avant-garde Marqués de Riscal Hotel designed by Frank Gehry. Photo by Sara Steig Gradwohl.

Twenty-nine lifetime members of American Pilgrims traveled to Spain’s La Rioja region June 5-11 on the organization’s second annual cultural experience. The Amigos del Camino de Santiago de La Rioja worked closely with the American Pilgrim cultural committee to develop an itinerary focused not only on the deep history, culture, wine, and gastronomy of the region, but most importantly to demonstrate how the local communities and Camino associations welcome and support pilgrims as they travel through their towns.

La Rioja Paco Garcia winery summer 2024 la concha.
La Rioja is known for its wine production, from small, traditional cellars to major commercial producers. The itinerary for the American Pilgrims cultural tour included stops at several wineries. Photo by Sara Steig Gradwohl.

Participants enjoyed small group meetings with community leaders and members of the Amigos del Camino de Santiago de La Rioja, Cofradía del Santo (Santo Domingo de la Calzada), Peregrinos del Señor Santiago de Calahorra, Amigos del Camino de Santiago de Alfaro, and the Cofradía del Pez (Logroño).

We visited seven albergues and thanked them for their continuing care for pilgrims. In Nájera, we were thrilled to find American Pilgrims members Tina and Roel Arredondo serving as hospitaleros. The cathedrals and churches of Santo Domingo de la Calzada, Navarrete, and Calahorra are spectacular, as are the important monasteries of Suso and Yuso. In springtime, visitors have the opportunity to observe cigüeñas (storks) nesting on steeples, towers, utility poles, and especially atop the roof of the Collegiate Church in Alfaro!

La Rioja Storks in Alfaro summer 2024 la concha.
Cigüeñas (storks) iconically nest atop the roof of Colegiata de San Miguel Arcángel in Alfaro. Photo by Sara Steig Gradwohl.

When traveling through La Rioja, slow down and take your time. Savor the history of communities such as La Guardia, Alfaro, Ezcaray, Briones, Haro, Cenicero, San Millán de la Cogolla, San Vicente de la Sonsierra, and Logroño.

La Rioja is famous for wine, but its fascinating history and warm hospitality will leave their marks on your heart.

La Rioja Bodega Hacienda summer 2024 la concha
The trip itinerary showcased the region’s deep history, culture, food, wine, and hospitality. The vineyards at Bodega Hacienda López de Haro in San Vicente de la Sonsierra provide an excellent vantage point of the Río Ebro and the town of Briones further in the distance. Photo by Sara Steig Gradwohl.
La Rioja group dinner summer 2024 la concha.
The group enjoyed many communal meals that showcased the region’s gastronomy, wine, and hospitality. Photo by Sara Steig Gradwohl.
La Rioja Alfaro stork pilgrim summer 2024 la concha.
A whimsical stork pilgrim greets peregrinos entering the albergue operated by Amigos del Camino de Santiago de Alfaro. Photo by Sara Steig Gradwohl.

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