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Online: Valley of the Sun Chapter, Coffee/Chat

Sep 04, 2021 9:00AM—10:00AM

You are invited to Valley of the Sun’s first scheduled Zoom coffee get-together. No agenda, just talking about whatever is on your mind. Prior registration is not required – save the location URL above or click on the REGISTER button above at the time of the event.

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Online: Valley of the Sun Chapter, Zoom Camino presentation

Jul 22, 2021 5:00PM—6:00PM

Zoom event: Link to join: or Meeting ID: 989 2726 1726 Passcode: 028982

General meeting of the Valley of the Sun Chapter. This meeting will focus on the Spirit of the Camino, and celebrate St. James Day. 5:00 PM Arizona time.

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Online: Valley of the Sun Chapter Meeting

May 20, 2021 5:00PM—6:30PM

Zoom (link below in description)

Please join us as we review our chapter survey results and discuss chapter activities for the balance of 2021. We will also be entertained by three local pilgrims discussing their favorite towns or sites on the Camino. Zoom:

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