Book Review: 100 Caminos 100 Relatos

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100 caminos 100 relatos: Historias breves a Santiago III

Círculo Chileno de Amigos del Camino de Santiago de Compostela, 2023
152 pages

Reviewed by Amy Horton | Warrenton, MO

100 Camino 100 Relatos book review, with book cover.

In February 2023, American Pilgrims sent an email to members extending an invitation from the Círculo Chileno de Amigos del Camino de Santiago de Compostela, or the Chilean Circle of Friends of the Way to Santiago de Compostela, to the global community of pilgrims to submit a short essay relating to the pilgrimage experience and journey to Santiago for the association’s third annual contest.

The third edition of 100 caminos 100 relatos: Historias breves a Santiago, or 100 Caminos in 100 Stories: Short Stories to Santiago, features the best 100 jury-selected stories from that 2023 contest. While the introduction and forewords are in Spanish, the 100 winning 100-word stories are published in both Spanish and English (and sometimes also in the contributor’s native language).

This truly global collection includes special reflections from representatives of Friends of the Camino associations in Puerto Rico, Brazil, Spain, Argentina, and France. The 100 winning entries included in this collection are by pilgrims from Germany, Italy, Spain, Uruguay, Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Panama, the United Kingdom, the Philippines, Finland, France, Guatemala, Malaysia, Mexico, Nicaragua, New Zealand, the Netherlands, Paraguay, Peru, Portugal, Romania, Venezuela, and the United States. 

Of the following nine pilgrims from the United States whose essays are included, six are members of American Pilgrims on the Camino:

  1. Janice Farley (American Pilgrims member)
  2. James Gehrke (American Pilgrims member)
  3. Francisco Xavier Gutierrez Gonzalez (American Pilgrims member)
  4. Sara Steig Gradwohl (American Pilgrims member)
  5. David Jennings (American Pilgrims member)
  6. Cheri Powell (American Pilgrims member)
  7. Cheri Ward
  8. Steve Ordal
  9. Francisco Manrique

The Chilean Circle of Friends recognizes that the Camino de Santiago “is an experience that marks each pilgrim who travels its paths for whatever reason, and for each and every one of us life has changed.” It is these experiences, from the sorrowful to the joyful, that they sought to capture through this project.

Access and download a PDF e-book version of the third and previous editions here. (NOTE: You must enter your name, country, age, and email address to gain access.)

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