A Journey to Remember

Camino Primitivo flowing stream and trees.

The act of travel is a deliberate choice. The Camino stream provides ample water for each pilgrim to fill their bucket to quench their thirst and remember their journey.

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La concha poem: Finisterre.

Finisterre, a poem by Mark Peterson about the end of the world. A place where many pilgrims end their Camino. For many, the end is just the beginning of their pilgrim journey.

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Castles, Climate & Creative Alchemy

Castillos en el Aire, Martin Peña.

Ancient castles, fortresses, and churches spark Martin Peña’s creativity in this photo essay exploring the meanings he has drawn from his Camino experiences.

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The Beginning

Monte de Gozo kneeling pilgrim.

The Beginning, a poem by Lawrence Jones about his arrival in Santiago, the place where his Camino walk ended and where his pilgrimage really just started.

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The Fine Art of Napping

Mastering the FIne Art of Napping

Hospitalera Francine Mastini shares how she mastered the art of napping while serving in an albergue in Logroño.

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