Finding the Center

Finding the center horizon summer 2024 la conca.

A pilgrim cuts unnecessary weight from his pack; banishes extra noise to enjoy silence; and consciously chooses to avoid social media, games, and news on his phone. This space he created on Camino provided a fruitfulness that shaped the lessons he would take back into his life after returning home.

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Faith Over Fear

Faith Over Fear necklace summer 2024 la concha

A pilgrim reflects on what the Camino provides—many gifts, but most important for her, time to sort through what needed sorting, reconnect with herself, and ask hard questions and find answers that have guided her life ever since.

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Accompanying Me Home

Accompanying Me Home summer 2024 la concha

Having stood witness to his Camino family united by individual losses, a pilgrim who has returned home faces his own deep personal loss. And in that darkest moment, a pilgrim friend’s gesture from across the Atlantic Ocean brings him light.

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Listening Is an Act of Lightening

Hospitalero Corner Listening Act of Lightening summer 2024 la concha

A Pilgrim’s Reception Office volunteer finds that in listening to pilgrims unburden their sorrows and lift up their joys, his own emotional load is also lightened.

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Book Review: Call of the Camino

call of the camino book review summer 2024 la concha.

An unexpected bookstore find becomes the Camino memoir that keeps on giving in Jerald Stroebele’s review of Robert Mullen’s “Call of the Camino.”

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canceled poem mary baldree summer 2024 la concha.

A poem by Mary Baldree that celebrates canceling the plans she made to make way for the Camino she was meant to have.

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A Lot to Talk About

A Lot to Talk About summer 2024 la concha.

As they walk together in the rain, one pilgrim’s openness and honesty allows the other pilgrim to show his vulnerability, too.

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A Journey of Gratitude

A Journey of Gratitude George Collins summer 2024 la concha.

While making a pilgrimage in honor of his friend who died on Camino the previous year, a stroke survivor learns how to accept help from others; view curses as blessings; and find peace, gratitude and new life to celebrate.

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