Sending Some Camino Love!

In honor of Valentine’s Day American Pilgrims began asking pilgrims why they love the Camino. Here are some early responses…we invite you to consider your own.

February. For many pilgrims, it is a time of planning and promise for a pilgrimage to come, as well as a time to contemplate love.

With the uncertainties that COVID-19 continues to bring into our lives, our pilgrimage plans may be placed on hold, but the invitation to contemplate love persists. And for many of us, our dearest loves include the fellowship, magic and mystery we’ve encountered as pilgrims!

In the spirit of the season, American Pilgrims Membership Committee began asking pilgrims a simple question:

Why do you love the Camino?

So far, the answers vary widely and deeply, as you can see in our latest video on the American Pilgrims on the Camino YouTube Channel and LinkedIn page!

In the spirit of the season, we invite you to view these early responses and consider your own. If you’d like to share your reasons, we invite you to share them in the comments section of the video posted on our LinkedIn page.

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