If you'd like further resources, here is a listing of other Camino de Santiago associations and confraternities around the world.

They all have a similar mission to American Pilgrims on the Camino. Most provide community engagement and information supporting pilgrims in their respective home countries. You can find FAQs, route information, history about the Camino and a request a home-country credential.

Camino de santiago Primitivo waymarker

North American Associations

The Canadian Company of Pilgrims

Association du Québec à Compostelle, French Canadians

European and UK Associations

Federación Española de Asociaciones de Amigos del Camino de Santiago, Spain (with links to other Spanish Associations, such as for Zaragoza, Madrid, La Rioja, Sevilla and many more)

The Confraternity of Saint James, England

The Camino Society Ireland

La Société Française des Amis de Saint Jacques de Compostelle, France

Association Belge des Amis de Saint Jacques de Compostelle, Belgium

laams Genootschap van Santiago de Compostela, Flemish

Camino Croatia, Croatia (in english)

St. Jakob Pilgrim Association, Norway

Nederlands Genootschap van Sint Jacob, Netherlands

German Associations:

Sankt Jakobs Bruderschaft Österreich, Austria

Les Amis du Chemin de Saint–Jacques de Compostelle Suisse, Switzerland

Italian Associations:

South and Central American Associations

Asociacíon Amigos del Camino de Santiago en Argentina

Brazilian Associations:

Asia/Pacific Associations

The Association of Friends of the Camino de Santiago, Japan

Australian Friends of the Camino

Beijing Camino International Cultural Exchange Center, China

African Associations

The Confraternity of Saint James of South Africa

More Camino Resources

If you are planning a Camino, you can request a credential from us before you go.

Be sure to check out our FAQs on planning your Camino and what to expect while on the trail. If you want some inspiration, check out our list of books, movies and podcasts which feature folks sharing their experiences.

Join the community by becoming a member of American Pilgrims on the Camino, engaging with a local chapter or joining our general American Pilgrims Facebook group

Rev 02/28/2025