Submit an Event

Use this form to submit events to our calendar. Below are instructions for both chapter and non-chapter events.

To submit a chapter event:

  • Please use a separate form for each event.
  • Remember the calendar is seen by the world so don't make assumptions about local places.
  • Include event name and format as
    • Event city, state 2-letter postal code: chapter name,  short title of event. (e.g., Tucson, AZ: Old Pueblo Chapter, St. James Day Potluck)

Note: List the event location NOT the chapter location. In the case of online or virtual events, in place of the city and state use "Online". (e.g., Online: Old Pueblo Chapter, Zoom Camino presentation)

Unfortunately hyperlinks (URLs) do not come through in the event description. If you have a URL in the event description, immediately after the linking text, insert the complete URL. We'll fix that before posting. Like this:

     To see the map, click HERE. (

For the registration URL do not enclose the links in parentheses. If your registration link is your chapter's email address, enter that like this:

Once you click SUBMIT, corrections will have to be made by administrators. Contact


To submit a non-chapter event:

  • To submit an event of interest to that is not a chapter event, use the event category "Not a chapter event" for this. 
  • Event Contact Name: Enter name of event contact or simply "Chapter coordinators.”
  • Event Contact Email: Use the event host's email address.

We'll review and post your event on the events calendar as soon as we can.

Rev 03/08/2024

*Required fields