San Francisco Bay, CA: Northern California Chapter, Angel Island Hike

Aug 26, 2023 10:30AM—5:30PM


Angel Island ferry landing

Event Contact Guy Joaquin | Email


Join us for sweeping views of the San Francisco Bay as we take the ferry for our annual hike around the perimeter of historic Angel Island, the largest natural island in the Bay and site of the former U.S. Immigration Station, the so-called “Ellis Island of the West,” as well as various Army installations that were active from the Civil War through the Cold War.

Schedule: Meet us at 10:30 AM on the Angel Island ferry landing. (See Getting There & Back section below for ferry options.) We’ll have lunch along the way, Fort McDowell or the Immigration Station. There are multiple ferry departures from Angel Island, but we expect to return on the 4:20 PM ferry to Tiburon and 4:45 PM ferry to San Francisco.

Like last year, we plan to form two smaller groups, led by Andy Cohn, Dick Duker, Guy Joaquin, and Diane Nakagawa, and have a break-out group, led by Alan Lemke, hike to the top of Angel Island at Mt. Livermore (788 feet elevation). Before the ferry rides back, we’ll stop by the Angel Island Café for drinks and live music.

Level of Difficulty: Moderate. About 6 miles on paved roads along rolling hills with a couple of steep climbs and trail staircases. Total elevation gain is 350 feet (35 flights of stairs). This hike is suited for those who can hike continuously for 3 hours with inclines.

Advance online registration is required. Click the Register button to sign up. Please register if/when you are certain you can attend. Thank you!

Cancellation: If you are unable to attend, please email us as soon as possible at so we can update our list.

Getting There & Back

OPTION 1: From SF to Angel Island, Golden Gate Ferry

  • Ferry Building: Depart 9:25 AM (Adult $31, Clipper Adult $18.50, Senior 65+ $16)
  • Angel Island: Arrive 9:55 AM, Depart 4:45 PM

Prices are the round-trip total and include the Angel Island State Park admission fee. For ease and cost, paying by Clipper is highly recommended. Paper tickets are purchased at the ferry terminal Gate C (one-way tickets are sold so buy two). Ferry also departs from Gate C.

OPTION 2: From Tiburon to Angel Island, Angel Island Tiburon Ferry

  • Tiburon Terminal: Depart 10:00 AM (Adult $18, Senior 65+ $16)
  • Angel Island: Arrive 10:12 AM, Depart 4:20 PM

Prices are round-trip and include the Angel Island State Park admission fee. Purchase tickets online. Clipper is not accepted. The Tiburon ferry terminal is at 21 Main St. Here is parking information. There is also free parking 1/2 mile before town on the right side of the road, or $5 parking 1/4 mile further on behind the CVS.

Carpooling: Registered participants will have access to an online “Carpool Bulletin Board” to post a message if they need a ride or can give one.

What to Bring: Dress for the weather (layers work well) and bring a bag lunch, snacks, water and sun protection (hat, sunscreen). Hiking poles may be helpful, but not necessary. Clipper card/app with enough funds if taking the Golden Gate Ferry from San Francisco.

The Ruff Stuff: Dogs are not allowed on Angel Island, except service animals.