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Online: Northern California Chapter, Holiday Happy Hour

Dec 18, 2020 4:00PM—5:30PM

Northern California Chapter's Zoom Room

Let’s wrap up this absolutely extraordinary year on a joyful note (both literally and figuratively speaking). Join us online for a holiday happy hour with music from and inspired by the Camino de Santiago. We’ll listen to selections of music that pilgrims hear along the way, share songs that remind us of the Camino and…

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Zoom, New York: Finger Lakes Chapter, Caminos beneath the Camino Presentation and Discussion

Dec 13, 2020 7:00PM—8:30PM

Zoom. Register in advance for this zoom meeting:

A Zoom presentation and discussion with David Drury of Ashland, OR. What if the 1300-year old Camino de Santiago were just a johnny-come-lately on the pilgrimage scene? What if the original end of the journey were not James’ tomb, but Land’s End? Join David Drury, an American Pilgrims chapter coordinator in southern Oregon, as he…

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Albuquerque, NM online: Albuquerque Chapter, Book Discussion of Walking to the End of the World

Dec 12, 2020 7:00PM—8:00PM

Zoom email

The Albuquerque Chapter will be discussing Beth Jusino’s 2018 book, Walking to the End of the World on Saturday evening, December 12th. Author Beth Jusino will be joining us for at least part of the discussion. Please email for the Zoom link at least a day before if you would like to join us.

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ONLINE, Colorado Front Range Chapter: The Magnificent Camino Trivia Challenge

Dec 09, 2020 4:00PM

How well do you think you know the Camino? It’s history? The Camino today? The Colorado Front Range Chapter is offering a magnificent Camino trivia contest to test your knowledge! We’ve assembled a collection of challenges – there will be questions that will be answerable by those with as yet no experience on the ground.…

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Webinar: Boston Chapter, Camino portugués

Dec 07, 2020 7:00PM—8:30PM


Join Boston Chapter co-chairs Karen McMenamy & Nancy Nee Hanifin for an overview of the second most popular route to Santiago, the Camino portugués. This webinar will cover the route from Coimbra through Porto and then the traditional Central route to Santiago. We will also discuss a side trip to Fatima as well as the…

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Colorado Front Range Chapter online: Meet the Authors

Nov 23, 2020 2:00PM

Colorado Front Range Chapter online

Meet the Authors! A virtual event with two Camino authors in the Chapter Monday, November 23rd, 2:00 pm MST If there are any others out there, please let us know! We’ve heard from two Camino authors in the Chapter — Elena Skvirski (Szeremeta) with her book “Camino Mysteries” and Esther Jantzen with her book “WALK:…

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Webinar: Boston Chapter, Camino Inglés

Nov 23, 2020 7:00PM—8:30PM


El Camino inglés is the shortest of the popular routes to Santiago de Compostela. The inglés offers pilgrims who have less than 2 weeks an opportunity to walk an entire camino and receive a compostela. It is also a quiet camino being less crowded with walkers than the stretch of the Camino francés from Sarria…

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Colorado Front Range Chapter online: Tertulia virtual

Nov 19, 2020 3:00PM

Online via Zoom

Tertulia Virtual Thursday, November 19th, 2020, 3:00 pm MST (We’re going to try a weekday rather than a Sunday) To say that we’re in unusual and trying times is a complete understatement. To one degree or another all of us are, not socially, but physically distancing ourselves from the world. The Chapter is going to…

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ONLINE, Charlotte Chapter: Author Angela Leslee – The Way of Love on the Camino de Santiago

Nov 17, 2020 6:30PM—8:00PM

Zoom - hosted by Charlotte Chapter

November 17, 2020 6:30 pm Discussion (via Zoom) with Author Angela Leslee In the Charlotte Chapter’s continuing author series, we are delighted to host on November 17 Angela Leslee discussing her new book The Way of Love on the Camino de Santiago. Please join this pilgrim as she shares her vulnerability in landing, contrary to her…

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Fabius, NY: Finger Lakes Chapter, Bear Swamp State Forest

Nov 14, 2020 9:30AM—3:00PM

Iowa Rd parking lot of Bear Swamp State Forest in Sempronius, NY.

Join the Finger Lakes Chapter as we explore Bear Swamp State Forest in Sempronius, NY. Bear Swamp State Forest covers 3,539 acres with a 14.3-mile multiple use trail system. All trails are designated by color and are marked. We will shoot for a 4-hour hike but the trail system allows for cutting that short if…

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