Online: Northern California Chapter, Welcome Home Celebration
Dec 14, 2021 7:00PM—8:30PM
Northern California Chapter's Zoom Room
Event Contact Guy Joaquin | Email
Categories Northern California (San Francisco Bay area)
Let’s welcome home our fellow pilgrims who made it back to the Camino this year under such extraordinary circumstances. Our virtual celebration on Zoom will feature a lively musical sing-along led by “returnee” Ana Luisa Paniagua Anzore (Camino Francés) and insightful remarks on returning from the Camino from Colorado pilgrim and life coach Kathy Kehe. We’ll also spotlight the recent Caminos of Meliea and Stephen Lane (Camino Portugués) and Laurin Beckhusen (Via de la Plata) and then invite returnees in the audience to share a bit of their experiences in an “open mic” segment. We hope you can join us in honoring these special pilgrims who are among the first in our group to return to the Camino since the start of the pandemic!