Online: Northern California Chapter, Virtual Chapter Meetup
Apr 03, 2021 11:00AM—12:00AM
Northern California Chapter's Zoom Room
Event Contact Guy Joaquin | Email
Categories Northern California (San Francisco Bay area)
Catch up with fellow pilgrims and keep our Camino spirit strong as well as share information, tips and resources. Though we still have a pause on in-person events, we can stay connected virtually with our pilgrim community across the region. In our meetups, it’s wonderful to “see” familiar and new faces and learn from each other.
In this session, we’ll be joined by Sally Sheridan, National Park Service and Mark Wilkinson, Santa Barbara County Trails Council who will provide an overview and answer questions about the initiative underway to develop the California Missions Trail, an 800-mile walking and cycling route that connects the 21 Missions from Sonoma to San Diego.