Online: Northern California Chapter, Virtual Chapter Meetup
May 02, 2020 11:00AM
Northern California Chapter's Zoom meeting room
Event Contact Guy Joaquin | Email
Categories Northern California (San Francisco Bay area)
We invite you to join us online for our May chapter meetup. Though we still can’t get together physically, we can stay connected virtually with our pilgrim community across Northern California. In our two meetups so far, it’s been wonderful to “see” familiar and new faces and learn from each other how to keep our Camino spirits strong during this challenging time. Let’s keep it going!
For this session, we’ll again give the floor to those who had Camino plans (for May) to share their thoughts and any details or updates. Afterwards, we’ll open it up to all for responses to the question: In what ways has your Camino experience shaped or informed the way you are coping with the coronavirus situation? This should be a lively discussion full of thoughtful insights and interesting perspectives!