Littleton, CO: Colorado Front Range Chapter, Three Walks on the High Line Canal
Sep 12, 2020 9:00AM—12:30PM
Cost $0
Event Contact Chapter coordinators | Email
Categories Colorado Front Range (Denver-Boulder)
Three Walks on the High Line Canal
Saturday, September 12th, 9:00 am
You need to take a walk!
On Saturday, September 12th the Chapter will return to the High Line Canal (mostly) for three walks. Each walk will be limited to 10 people and we'll be following then-in-place state and local COVID regulations. That will mean that a mask will be required. The offerings:
• 6 1/4 mile walk from the trailhead where the Canal crosses East Orchard Road to the Goodson Recreation Center and return through residential area. Info sheet.
• 6 1/2 mile walk from where the Canal crosses South Broadway near E Caley Drive one way to C-470 and South Broadway with a return by the Broadway bus. Info sheet.
• 6 mile walk from Reynolds Landing in Littleton south on the Mary Carter Greenway to Mineral east to connect to the High Line Canal to Lee Gulch and back. Info sheet.
An RSVP is required as the number of participants will be limited to 10 for each walk. Respond with:
• "Name of the walk" (Orchard-Goodson, Mary Carter-Lee Gulch or Broadway Littleton)
• your name,
• the number of people,
• a telephone number
For further information, contact Event day contacts haven't been assigned yet.
What you need to know:
What: Three walks on the High Line Canal
When: Saturday, September 12th, 9:00 am
Where: Three walks on the High Line Canal:
• Orchard Road trailhead to Goodson Rec Center and return
• South Broadway at E Panama Drive (Littleton) one-way to Broadway and C-470 with return by bus
• Reynolds Landing loop
RSVP: An RSVP is required to partake! See required information above.
Cost: Nada.