Albuquerque, NM: Albuquerque Chapter, Open Space Foothills/Cibola National Forest Hike
Mar 23, 2023 9:00AM—1:00PM
Open Space Foothills/Cibola National Forest
Event Contact Dolores Garcia | Email
Categories Albuquerque
Elevation gain: ~ 1000 ft. (starting at ~6000 ft)
Starting point: off of Tramway @ Little Cloud Park OR our home .10 mile from park.
Map link
Walk E 1-1/4 mile to trail 365 on Domingo Baca Arroyo
Walk N to trail 230 Domingo Baca Trail
Walk E on trail 230 which loops S to Trail 230a
Walk W on 230a back to 365
Walk N on 365 to Domingo Baca Arroyo to head W, down arroyo to starting point.
Difficulty: Moderate to moderately strenuous.
First third is concrete/sandy for about a quarter mile before we hit the rocky trail with lots of up and downs.
2nd third is more rocky and bigger rocks, going down a couple of ravines then up a couple of ridges, climbing over and down rocks, with a few very short, steep sections.
Last 3rd is least rocky as we head down to and through arroyo to our start.
No bathrooms on route.
Bring water, snacks, hats, layer (hoping for great weather) and walking poles.