Albuquerque, NM; Albuquerque Chapter, Foothills Hike

May 19, 2021 9:00AM—12:00AM


Albuquerque Foothills Open Space. Hike begins at east end of Indian School Road, Embudo Trail Parking Area.

Cost $0

Event Contact Gilbert Gutierrez or Linnea Hendrickson | Email


Gil invites the Albuquerque Chapter to join him for another of his favorite hikes, this one starting at the east end of Indian School Road, NE, at the trailhead parking lot for Open Space trails 365/401. This easy hike meanders south on trail 401 for about 2-3 miles. We would then complete the Hilldale Loop which overlooks I-40 and offers spectacular views of the city to the west. After a snack break we would return on trail 365 which involves some switchback climbing completing our loop to the parking lot. We estimate the walk will take 2 to 3 hours. Total distance ~4 to 5 miles. Be sure to have masks, hat, hiking poles if you need them, and water.

Map of the area.

Please let us know if you are coming by emailing: