The American Pilgrims on the Camino Grants Program aims to fulfill our vision and mission:

  • Our vision: We inspire all who seek the spirit of the Camino to connect with the global community of pilgrims.
  • Our mission: We foster the enduring tradition of the Camino. We support its infrastructure. We gather pilgrims together. We provide information and encouragement to past and future pilgrims.

American Pilgrims provides grants through two programs:

  • The Infrastructure Grant
  • The Michael Wyatt Hospitalero Service Grant

Just over 15 years ago, a little-known albergue, on a little-known route called the Via de la Plata, and American Pilgrims on the Camino found each other. Supporting the infrastructure on the Camino is a key part of our mission. Our first grant to Fuenterroble de Salvatierra, an albergue just south of Salamanca, was the beginning of our grant-making history, which now totals nearly  $700,000 and has supported more than 140 projects in Spain, France and Portugal.

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Infrastructure Grant

Where the Money Comes From

Membership dues and donations support the Grants Infrastructure Program. It’s one way our members express gratitude for the many gifts of the Camino de Santiago.

Where the Money Goes

Grants typically fund special projects of non-private albergues and non-profit organizations working to improve infrastructure along the Camino de Santiago in Spain, France and Portugal. They are not for the general operation of an organization or albergue.

Each grant is limited to a maximum of US $6,000. Applicants can receive no more than three consecutive grants but can apply again after a one-year wait.

Who Can Apply

  • Non-private albergues
  • Charitable organizations

Who Can’t Apply

  • Individuals
  • For-profit enterprises and organizations fully subsidized by local, regional or national governments

How Can I Apply?

Contact to be added to our mailing list and to be notified when the next grant cycle begins.

Póngase en contacto con para que lo agreguemos a nuestra lista de correo.

Examples of Past Grant Projects

  • Albergue repairs to roofs, floors, windows, toilets and shower rooms, emergency stairs and heating systems
  • Improvements to Camino signage and waymarks
  • Purchase of an emergency vehicle in St. Jean Pied de Port by Les Amis du Chemin de St. Jacques
  • Installation of a water system for Albergue de San Antón
  • Purchase of furnishings for the newly expanded albergue Huéneja, Granada on the Camino Mozárabe
  • Building repairs in the Albergue Parroquial Santa María del Camino in Carrión de los Condes

Click on the links below to learn more about the grants awarded in each year:

Full list of grants for 2024

Full list of grants for 2023

Full list of grants for 2022

Full list of grants for 2021

Full list of grants for 2020

Full list of grants for 2019


Grantee Appreciation

“You can't imagine the happiness we felt with this news! We are incredibly grateful!  Your contribution will help us support the pilgrims who come through Azambuja's albergue.”

“Reiterating our thanks for awarding this grant to AGACS (Asociación Galega de Amigos do Camiño de Santiago) that will allow us to continue providing improved hospitality to pilgrims."

“We are happy to have received this grant.  Next weekend we’ll install the new bunk beds and begin welcoming pilgrims walking the Camino de Madrid."

Review Process

A team of volunteer members reviews grant applications and makes funding recommendations to the board of directors of American Pilgrims.

Successful projects represent American Pilgrims’ vision and mission as well as demonstrate the applicant’s ability to fundraise and gain support from other sources. Our grant funds are limited; American Pilgrims may award only a portion of the request.

Award and Funding

Applications for the next grants cycle will be available in late winter 2023. Recipients will be notified no later than May 1, 2024. Grant recipients are required to complete and submit the American Pilgrims Grant Acceptance Form prior to receiving funds.

Spending and Reporting Policies

Recipients must spend the grant money within one calendar year of receiving the award and must submit a final report within six months of spending the grant.

For more information, please email us.

Grants Projects Photo Gallery

Michael Wyatt $500 Hospitalero Service Grant

The Michael Wyatt Hospitalero Service Grant is grant was established in loving memory of the Rev. Michael Wyatt, who served as chair of the American Pilgrims board of directors from 2006–2008. Michael’s insightful, wise, enthusiastic and caring leadership and belief in service to pilgrims were key factors in American Pilgrims’ ability to blossom into a truly national organization. Michael passed away in July 2009.

A limited number of grants are available for American Pilgrims members in financial need as a travel cost reimbursement in connection with their service as an hospitalero volunteer in Spain.

Who Can Apply

  • Current dues-paying members of American Pilgrims on the Camino at the time of application and at the time of service,
  • Who will complete hospitalero service by the end of the calendar year following the award,
  • Who demonstrate financial need, and
  • Who have completed hospitalero training with American Pilgrims on the Camino.

We encourage new hospitaleros to apply. First-time volunteers have priority.

Applicants must serve as an hospitalero in an albergue sponsored by the Spanish Federation of Camino Associations or any non-private albergue on any of the  Spanish Camino routes. This grant is not for volunteer service in the Pilgrim's Office in Santiago, the Ribadiso Welcome Service or Pilgrim House in Santiago.

Recipient's Responsibilities

The grant recipient, upon returning home, must provide

  • a letter or certificate from the albergue management or Spanish Federation for verifying completion of the volunteer assignment;
  • an airfare receipt; and
  • a written account of the hospitalero experience, which may be published in La Concha.

Upon receipt of these items, we will issue the grant funds for reimbursement for air travel.

If you have questions or would like more information about this hospitalero service grant program, please email us at

Rev 07/09/2024