St. Louis, MO: “The Way, My Way” Film Screening

Mar 14, 2025


Marcus Ronnie’s Cinemas, 5320 S Lindbergh Blvd, St. Louis MO 63126

Cost Individuals are responsible for their movie tickets and refreshments.

Event Contact Amy Horton | Email

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Based on Australian pilgrim and filmmaker Bill Bennett’s best-selling Camino memoir of the same name, The Way, My Way is a movie about a man walking the 800km Camino de Santiago pilgrimage route in Spain, searching for meaning—not realizing it was right in front of him, one step at a time.

The film will be shown on March 14 at Marcus Ronnie’s Cinema, 5320 S Lindbergh Blvd, St. Louis MO 63126. Showtime TBA – check the Marcus Ronnie’s website for showtime updates.

Afterward, St. Louis Chapter pilgrims may head to a nearby bar/restaurant to discuss the film and share in pilgrim communitas. (Individuals are responsible for their movie tickets and refreshments.)

Learn more:
The Way, My Way movie website
The Way, My Way – Official Trailer from b:j films on Vimeo
The Way, My Way movie Facebook page
Marcus Ronnie’s Cinemas