Online: Northern California Chapter, Basic Spanish for the Camino

Mar 30, 2025 3:00AM—4:30PM



Event Contact Guy Joaquin | Email


If you’re preparing for a Camino, this class offers an opportunity to learn and practice the Spanish you are likely to use as you travel through Spain. Whether you know very little Spanish or perhaps want a refresher and some practice, our Basic Spanish for the Camino may be the right class for you.

These classes will be Zoom meetings in which we’ll focus on the language and specific situations that, as a pilgrim, you’re likely to encounter on the Camino. You’ll learn about many day-to-day aspects of Spanish life, along with tools to make learning Spanish easier and more effective. Familiarity with the Spanish spoken in Spain will make the cultural transition easier for you and will ultimately pay off with more satisfying human interactions along your Camino. Our meetings will be fun, comfortable and geared to making the review of Spanish an enriching experience.

Teacher: Kelly Bates will lead the classes. Kelly is a retired high school Spanish teacher, veteran pilgrim, and passionate about all things Camino.

Class: The classes will focus on specific topics and provide ample opportunity for discussion and questions. No prior knowledge of Spanish is required and there is no charge for taking the class. The class size is limited to 40 participants.

When: Four Sunday afternoons: March 30, April 6, 13 & 27 from 3:00 to 4:30 PM (Pacific).

Where: Links to the Zoom meetings will be sent once registration is confirmed. Reminders for the individual meetings will be sent a few days before the meetings.

Text: The handbook used for the class is a 100-page document that includes information about navigating the Camino, tips on eating in Spain, a list of dishes commonly found on Spanish menus, an extensive vocabulary specific to the Camino, exercise dialogues and more. The handbook will be sent as a PDF document once registration is confirmed. You are encouraged to print your own handbook and have it available for class.