Haddon Heights, NJ: Philadelphia Chapter, Third Thursday Coffee

Aug 15, 2024 10:00AM—12:00AM


Trouble Brewing Coffee, 514 Station Ave · Haddon Heights, NJ

Cost Free - or the cost of your own coffee!

Event Contact Karin Samulis | Email


Camino Coffee time (also known as second breakfast!)! Just an opportunity to meet up with fellow pilgrims, reminisce or learn about different routes. Or begin learning about the Camino de Santiago.

Come for the coffee (very good coffee here!) or come for the walk (roughly a 4 miler). Or come for both! Anticipating walking around noon, or earlier if the group decides too!

Dress for the weather, as we’ll meet rain or shine. Part of our walk will be around Audubon Lake so remember that as you choose your layers for the day. Bring your pack if you like!

Just a heads up, we’ll be trying to alternate between two coffee shops to make this meetup as accessible as possible.