Memphis, TN: Memphis Chapter, Shell Ceremony and Tapas
Mar 23, 2024 11:00AM—1:00PM
Cancer Survivors Park, 701 Perkins Extended, Memphis TN, CT
Event Contact Tresha Mandel | Email
Categories Memphis
Please join us for our Annual Shell Ceremony at the labyrinth at Cancer Survivor’s Park in East Memphis. What a great way to celebrate those embarking on their journeys in 2024 with tapas and fellowship and a mindful, contemplative walk in the labyrinth. This is really wonderful time to come and participate in our camino community. Those pilgrims getting shells really do appreciate the shared experience whether you have gone or are planning on it at some later date. We hope to see you there to bid our pilgrims Buen Camino~ ! Please register at our Facebook event page with the link provided or send us an email at