Tucson, AZ: Old Pueblo Chapter, Pilgrim Evening Walk in Sabino
Jun 16, 2022 6:30PM—9:00PM
Sabino Canyon Recreation Area Visitor Center
Cost None
Event Contact Sharon Fields | Email
Categories Old Pueblo (Tucson)
Time to check out the repaved roads in Sabino Canyon!! We will take our monthly 7 1/2 mile stroll up the tram road. We will gather at 6:30 PM at the southern ramada and walk the tramway to the end, or as far as you want. The entire length is 7.2 miles with about 700 foot elevation gain.
We recommend you bring water and a snack. The moon will be 95% full and rising at 8:20 PM – flashlights will not be needed – let’s try and all walk home with our moonshadows! If you require a flashlight, we understand. Also, it will be cooler than you would expect, so be prepared.