Online: Northern California Chapter, Virtual Chapter Meetup

Jun 05, 2021 11:00AM—12:00AM


Northern California Chapter's Zoom Room

Event Contact Guy Joaquin | Email


Catch up with fellow pilgrims and keep our Camino spirit strong as well as share information, tips and resources. In our virtual meetups, it’s wonderful to “see” familiar and new faces and learn from each other.

For this session, we’re excited to be joined by local pilgrim and author Meg Maloney. Thirty-five years after having studied in Madrid, Meg returned to Spain to walk the Camino in 2019. She will share memories, insights and connections made along the way that are captured in her first book, Slow Your Roll: Ruminations & Reflections On My Walk Across Spain, published last year (available on Amazon).

Plus, after more than year on hiatus, we’re thrilled to share plans for resuming chapter hikes. Yes, that’s right. Real, in-person gatherings! Come hear about our tentative timelines and activities.