Online: Northern California Chapter, Virtual Camino II

Jul 12, 2020—Jul 18, 2020


Wherever You're At

Event Contact Guy Joaquin | Email


You’re invited to our second Seven-Day Virtual Camino, hosted on our chapter Facebook group*. Starting Sunday, July 12, wherever you are in the world, take a walk (or follow along at home). Do the optional daily walking meditation and post about your experience.

WHY? Recent events including the Covid-19 pandemic and George Floyd killing have had a profound effect on our society. Many of us are experiencing anxiety, anger, loneliness, grief, or a host of other feelings. Walking is a way that many of us process our emotions, as well as find solace, community, and joy. This Virtual Camino is a chance for us to connect with each other and share the Camino spirit.

WHO? Open to all. Whether you’re already walking 10 miles a day, are rusty, aren’t an experienced long-distance walker, or can’t leave your house at the moment — we’d love for you to join us. No minimum and no maximum number of miles.

WHAT TIME? Walk at whatever time is convenient for you. Each day at 7 am PST, I’ll post an optional walking meditation exercise.

WHERE? Walk anywhere… at your home, the office, a park, etc.

HOW FAR? Do what you can. Try to walk a few miles outside, but if you only feel comfortable walking around the block, that’s great. If you’re unable to leave your house, try going up and downstairs, do a circuit inside, or just follow along and see what other peregrinos are up to. If you’d like to log your daily miles with others, you can do so on this online spreadsheet.

SHARE YOUR EXPERIENCE After each day’s walk, post about your experience.

If you feel comfortable doing so, include:

  • your city,
  • where you walked (approximately), and
  • how far you walked (no judgments).

You can also share:

  • thoughts (good or bad) about the walk or the daily exercise,
  • aches or pains that came up,
  • existential conundrums,
  • something new that you noticed, or
  • something you remembered (poem, recipe, etc.) while walking, etc.

Of course, comment on others’ comments, but be respectful.

*Those who don’t have Facebook can follow along on Google docs, where we’ll be cross-posting the daily walking meditations and giving space for you to share.

+++ Please stay safe and help stop the spread of C-19. Follow CDC and local prevention guidelines.+++