Online: Northern California Chapter, Virtual Meetup
Apr 18, 2020 11:00AM—12:00AM
Northern California Chapter's Zoom meeting room
Event Contact Guy Joaquin | Email
Categories Northern California (San Francisco Bay area)
We hope this message finds you and your loved ones safe and in good health. In the few weeks since our last communication, our world has continued to change profoundly. Our stay-at-home order has been extended, we've been instructed now to wear masks in public and we must go on maintaining physical distance when outside of our homes. Throughout this time, we want to thank you for all the kind messages of support and understanding as we navigated the changing situation that led us to cancel and postpone our scheduled and planned events.
As we continue to face uncertainty here at home and also for our beloved Camino, we are even more determined to carry on living the spirit of the Camino. Like many others, we quickly made the switch to online meetings and piloted our first virtual meetup last Saturday. Eighteen of us logged on, introduced ourselves and shared how we’ve been keeping the Camino spirit alive. It was a wonderful hour spent reconnecting and building camaraderie.
We’re excited to announce another virtual meetup on Saturday, April 18 from 11 AM to noon and invite our entire pilgrim community to join. We'll give the floor to those who had Camino plans for March and April for an update and then open it up again for tips and ideas for keeping the Camino spirit alive during this extraordinary time.
Click the Register button above to sign up and receive the meeting room info. You're welcome to join the meeting up to 10 minutes before the start time to settle in, but please note that we'll be locking the room 10 minutes after the start time for security purposes. If you're a first-time Zoom user, here's a video tutorial: (8 min) to help you get started.
In addition, we’ll be holding our "Camino 101: The Basics" presentation online on Saturday, April 25 (time to be determined) that will be followed by "Camino 101: The Major Routes" in May (date and time to be determined). We also plan to have another virtual meetup on Saturday, May 2 from 11 AM to noon in place of the May Lake Merritt Walk. Mark your calendars and be on the lookout for separate announcements for these events.
We look forward to seeing you at one or more of these upcoming events - virtually!
All our best,
Guy Joaquin and Laurie Ferris, Coordinators
Northern California Chapter
American Pilgrims on the Camino