Camino Statistics

Why are statistics important?

You likely have many questions about the Camino: how crowded will it be, which month is busiest, which routes are busiest, where everyone is from, and what's the best way to travel? Some statistics may help you decide when to make your Camino and which route might be best for you.


The Camino Has Really Bounced Back from COVID?

After a low of just 53,905 Compostelas in 2020, the pilgrims have come back to the Camino in large numbers. In 2022, 438,000 Compostelas were issued. And in 2023, the number went up to 446,000.

The majority of pilgrims remain Spaniards. But there has been growth of American pilgrims and in 2023, they made-up the second largest pilgrim group.

American Pilgrims’ Credential Requests

American Pilgrims on the Camino is the only American provider of credentials authorized by the Pilgrim’s Office in Santiago de Compostela.

In support of our mission, we fill credential requests at no charge. We gratefully accept donations for this service. Donations and membership dues help fund our Camino programs including our hospitalero training and award-winning grants programs, and support our nearly 60 local chapters.

In 2022 we received 7,414 requests for a credential and 1,545 requests in 2021.

So far in 2023 we've received more than 9,000 credential requests!

You can request your credential here.

American Pilgrims' credentials issued by year, 2007 through 2020.

American Pilgrims' credentials issued by departure month, 2007 through 2020


Stats about the Camino

Do you wonder how many people each year complete a pilgrimage to Santiago and receive a Compostela? Perhaps you want to know which country has the most pilgrims on the Camino? Or which month the most pilgrims arrive in Santiago? How about what percentage of pilgrims are women vs men, or how many pilgrims arrive in Santiago on foot, bicycle, or on horseback?

A wealth of statistical information is available from the Pilgrim's Office in Santiago de Compostela. Follow this link to the Oficina de Acogida de Peregrinos to explore all the available statistics including

  • Compostelas issued by month,
  • Compostelas issued by year,
  • Compostelas issued by sex,
  • Compostela issued by route taken,
  • Compostela issued by mode of transport taken (foot, bicycle or horseback),
  • Compostelas issued to U.S. passport holders,
  • U.S. percentage of total Compostelas,
  • Age of recipient of Compostela, and
  • Profession of Compostela recipient

How many people walked the Camino in 2023 and how did they travel?

In 2023, a record 446,073 Compostelas were issued!

Walking is the most popular way to complete the pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela. In 2023, 404,211 pilgrims reported walking. There were 22,882 pilgrims who completed the Camino on a bicycle, followed by 606 on horseback.  Rounding out the modes of travel were 276 who sailed and 198 who completed the Camino in a wheelchair. You can truly go your own way!

Where is Everyone Starting?

As has been the case for years, Sarria remains the most popular start point. Tui has crept up to the number two spot, and Ferrol is up there as well, indicating that many folks are aiming for that 100/kilometer sweet spot. 

But St. Jean remains a popular start point, particularly for non-Spaniards.

Which country has the most pilgrims on the Camino?

As you would expect, in 2023 pilgrims from Spain (197,205) were the most common, followed by the US (32,070), and Italians (28,650).

What's the ratio of males to females?

In 2018, for the first time in recorded history, more women than men received Compostelas and the trend continued in 2023 with 53% of Compostelas going to women. 

What Are the American's Up To?

American's are more likely than some other nationalities to start in St. Jean, and finish in cooler months like May or October. 

Rev 06/21/2024